The road to Sipadan was a long one - from financial constraints to leave constraints to crisis mode.. I eventually made it to Sipadan.
I LOVE every moment of it! Even if it meant I had to get up at 3am to catch the 4:30am bus to LCCT.
Aside my initial reservations on the toilet facilities (it wasn't so bad after all), I'm glad that I'm one of those who can adjust pretty well to my surroundings.. once I got my groove, I was a pretty happy person.
Diving was fantastic, I didn't have my normal fears before my dives. I'm pleased. I hope this feeling will stay. Expected to see some big animals, but takde.. but it was alright, the small ones totally made up for it (didn't feel like that in the island, but when I was recounting what I saw.. banyak jugak!)
Although I have announced my retirement from diving (no one is taking me seriously on this), I'm already planning my next visit to Sipadan.
Sipadan Kapalai Resort...Here I Come!